In the United States, children and youth face many obstacles to achieving their full potential. 21% of children live in poverty, 46% have experienced a family trauma, and 19% are living with obesity. We believe that sport is a critical piece of healthy child development, and when used intentionally, can help address some of these systemic issues facing youth today. We are dedicated to raising awareness of sport as a tool for social change, and supporting the growth of programs that use sport to help youth in under resourced communities realize their full potential.
In four major cities, we take a collective impact approach to improving youth outcomes through the power of sport. We bring together leaders from different sectors to set a long-term agenda for change, while providing resources and opportunities for them to take action. By working together, our members have a greater impact than any single organizations would by acting alone.
We currently support the growth of over 50 youth-serving programs that are doing essential work to tackle inequality through the power of sport. To help build the capacity of these organizations, we provide funding, monitoring and evaluation support and professional development opportunities.
We conduct and commission research that advances our broader understanding of sport as a tool for social change. We also prioritize program evaluation in order to assess and improve the quality of individual sport for development programs.
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