Laureus Virtual Training Camp

Laureus Virtual Training Camp Overview and Purpose

As a leader and convener of the sports-based youth development sector (SBYD) and in response to COVID-19 , Laureus USA launched Laureus Virtual Training Camp, a series of online trainings and discussions that allowed SBYD professionals to stay connected and grow during these challenging time. Since April 2020, we have hosted 30 of these virtual events and seen over 1000 individuals across the country and even the world participate and many professional athletes join us to provide a welcome. These trainings have ranged on topics from How to Engage Youth Virtually to Anti-Racism and Sport and provided a much-needed platform for leaders in our sector to continue to invest in themselves and their craft.

We now use our VTC platform to host national trainings and events periodically that are open to any and all individuals in the youth sports sector with the goal of continuing to grow the work of #SportforGood.

2024 Schedule

July 10, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM ET: Sport as a Tool for Overcoming Bias

Presented with The Center for Healing & Justice Through Sport

The challenges we face in the US around inequality are systemic – 400+ years in the making so moving toward a more just America takes sustained efforts and investment over the long term. The US sports community is doing a lot to make an impact around inequality – there are curricula, guidelines, and trainings being created by experts that use sport and physical activity to address these issues. Still though, there is a broader issue at hand – a fear of “the other” and an endemic belief of differences that are not equal. At the heart of this is the way the brain is organized to create bias against someone not like you. This session will provide training on how to use sport and physical activity to counter preconceived bias about someone – it could be race, could be religion, could be ethnicity. Participants will learn how we can use sport to counter the hard-wiring of biases against those who don’t look like you, don’t speak like you, maybe don’t believe in the same things as you.


Past Sessions:

April 24, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM ET: The Power of Competence

Presented with Up2Us Sports

Sports coaching is about skill-building. Understanding the power of skill-building is also foundational to linking the skills that kids are learning on the court or field to other parts of their lives. Participants in this session explore strategies for deepening and accelerating the skill-building process.’

Coaches will be able to:

  • Identify four reasons that sports are uniquely suited to promote the skill-building process.
  • Identify three reasons why building sports skills is important
  • Explain how sport skill competencies can transform into life skill competencies
  • Recognize that some young people will be unable to excel at skill-building until they have the chance to heal from trauma
  • Utilize four skill-building techniques to teach sports skills.

November 2, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM ET: How to Give & Receive Feedback

Presented with Change Impact

In this session, participants will reflect on how they both give and receive feedback, and how they can improve upon giving feedback to others. The group will also learn a feedback model and practice applying it to real life scenarios they bring to the session. Finally, participants will learn tools and strategies to create a practical application in their day-to-day work, including conversations around power dynamics and effective communication.

Recording coming soon

October 19, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM ET: Inclusive Spaces for LGBTQ+ Youth

Presented with Rainbow Labs

Join our transformative virtual session during LGBTQ+ History Month this fall, tailored for practitioners working with LGBTQ+ youth. Discover the world of inclusive spaces and youth empowerment through sports, equipping yourself with valuable knowledge, tools, and strategies to create supportive environments. Through dynamic workshops, expert-led discussions, and interactive case studies, unlock the power of sports in fostering resilience, self-expression, and personal growth among LGBTQ+ youth.

Recording coming soon

September 21: Virtual Training Camp: Building Positive Program Culture

Presented with Up2Us Sports

Teams with a strong, positive culture help youth feel connected and safe. There are four things coaches can do to build this culture: follow a strict behavior code; practice positive traditions; provide opportunities to matter; and help kids make friends. This session explores how coaches can create a strong culture that supports their other programming efforts.

Coaches will be able to:

  • Utilize four techniques to create a strong program culture that encourages positive, health-seeking behavior and risk-taking in a safe space.
  • Describe the impact that a positive team culture has on youth behavior.
  • Describe the outcomes for youth when they experience positive team culture.

Link to Recording

June 29: Virtual Training Camp: The Power of Storytelling in Fundraising

Presented by Dave McGoy, ASSIST Consulting

Stories make our work with young people more understandable and compelling to others, and they give us the power to connect with others on an emotionally-charged level. Effective fundraising is about connecting with prospective donors in ways that lead them to care deeply about your organization’s mission. This interactive workshop will provide tips on how to create a narrative that inspires, educates, and moves donors to take action.

Link to Recording (Passcode: $x@B?*F6)

April 13: Virtual Training Camp: Healing Centered Sport 102

Presented with The Center for Healing Justice Through Sport

This session will dive deeper into how prioritizing skill development, meaningful relationships and a positive and inclusive team culture can drive social and emotional learning. This session is for coaches who have already participated in an introductory level training and are looking to expand their toolkit.

Link to Recording (Passcode: +68BYrC=)

April 6: Virtual Training Camp: Healing Centered Sport 101

Presented with The Center for Healing Justice Through Sport

This session explores how coaches can create environments that prioritize skill development, meaningful relationships, and a positive team culture and provides practical, tangible strategies that coaches can take away and use to make their practices more engaging and inclusive.

Link to Recording (Passcode: 69Sj@2T&)

March 16: Virtual Training Camp: Collective Care for Coaches

Presented with Cooper Thompson

This session will be an introduction to the concept of collective care. We’ll spend time learning why collective care is important along with discussing some ways to work towards creating collective care spaces in our Sport for Good communities.

Link to Recording (Passcode: 8#a&8FQl)

Feb 2: Virtual Training Camp: How to Coach Girls

Presented with The Center for Healing Justice Through Sport

Girls participate in sport at lower rates than boys at all ages, but it is not because they don’t enjoy the key components of sport: being competitive, feeling athletic, reaching goals, and building a team. The reality is that girls have extra challenges to overcome when it comes to staying in the game. Girls need the physical, mental, academic, and social benefits that sport participation has been shown to give, so programs need to do all they can to help girls stay involved.

Link to Recording (Passcode: 9uURv^&V)


Watch 2020 Virtual Training Camp Session here Watch 2021 Virtual Training Camp Session here Watch 2022 Virtual Training Camp Session here

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