
Rob Saltares

Rob Saltares

Sport for Good New York Program Officer

Born and raised in East Harlem, Rob has a unique lens when it comes to sports programming, thanks to over two decades of experience in sports-based youth development as both a participant and a practitioner. He is the inaugural recipient of the “Every Day Heroes” award from the Homers for Heroes Foundation. Prior to joining Laureus, he served as DREAM’s (formerly Harlem RBI) Senior Manager of Athletics, Health, and Wellness, where he leveraged the power of sport programming to drive social-emotional development in addition to physical well-being. He is a graduate of Lehman College, with a BA in Exercise Science, and holds a certification in the Neurosequential Model for Sport. Prior to becoming an employee of DREAM, he was a participant in their programs, where he developed as a young baseball player. Rob believes that sport programming has the ability to reach those furthest from opportunity in ways nothing else can when designed intentionally.

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