
As the oldest car manufacturer in the world Mercedes-Benz can look back on a long and unique tradition. Mercedes-Benz is the  most valuable premium automotive brand in the automotive field and stands for outstanding quality, safety, comfort, design and sustainable mobility. The vehicle manufacturer has an excellent reputation, especially as a pioneer in the field of security. Many technical innovations that are standard in all vehicles today were first introduced by Mercedes-Benz. The developers and designers of Mercedes-Benz will reinvent the automobile in the future again and again – with the same enthusiasm and innovative spirit as Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz in 1886. Mercedes-Benz has also for many decades involved in professional and amateur sport and has established itself in the fields of motorsport, football, golf, horse riding and tennis as a reliable partner. The brand with the star is one of the global partners of the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. Since the Foundation’s inception in 2000 supports and promotes Mercedes-Benz the objectives and values ​​of this global non-profit program that combats social problems through sport. Laureus has become a fundamental part of the social responsibility of Mercedes-Benz.

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