Grant Opportunities

There are no open grant opportunities at this time. If you are a sports-based youth development organization (and registered 501c3) interested in receiving a grant from Laureus USA in the future, should funding become available, please fill out this form to be added to our database.

The Laureus USA grant application process opening this fall for the Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2025 grant term will be invite only in Atlanta, New Orleans, New York City, and other strategic locations. As an intermediary that fundraises to support its work, Laureus USA is committed to grantmaking practices that balance the needs of our non-profit partners, our funders, and stakeholders. We strive to provide accessible grant opportunities whenever possible, though some opportunities to apply for funding are made on an invitation only basis. Depending on the factors that go into each funding opportunity, an invite only or open call process may be selected understanding the value of the time and efforts of those involved.

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